If you saw a person standing in the path of an approaching truck and just stood there expecting the person to be crushed to death by that monster vehicle, that person would probably die.
If at the same time you warned that person to move out of the way, that person would live because of your warning. Now, this is an easy solution to a hypothetical situation. It is hard to imagine actually being in that sort of happening.
When we know that every person in this world faces the potential of spending eternal life in hell i.e. eternally separated from God, and we fail to warn them of the ultimate "death", that person will surely be lost. Just as the person facing a life robbing truck, that person may survive because of our warning. Yet, the endangered person has the freedom to ignore your warning.
We who know the way to God and hide that "way" could possibly be denying a loved one, a friend, an enemy, a stranger of the chance to find God and receive from God the gift of everlasting life, the forgiveness of sins, and joy unspeakable, because we are "shy" about our faith. We need to allow the Holy Spirit to move us to "shout from the housetops" the love of our creator who freely gives us salvation and the freedom from fear. Be not afraid said Jesus. If you proclaim Him to men, He will proclaim you to God the Father. When we share the love of God boldly, with gentleness and love, we are making people aware of the Way the Truth and the Life. The message that we have is actually life saving. If we speak the
Word, He, Jesus will bring that Word to life.
Let us ask the Holy Spirit to infuse us with the JOY of sharing the joy that is within us.
I'd Love to Hear from YOU...Feedback, Comments, Prayer Requests:
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Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Time for reflection
Up to this time we have been receiving God's Word for us concerning the only way that we can love Him. To love God is to obey His commandments, as given to us by Jesus.
To Love Him with all our heart, mind, soul and strength requires us to know Him. KNOW Him. We can only know Him by reading, listening, studying His commands as given to us by Jesus. To love Him is to exercise the truths that Jesus revealed to us. We must DO those things that Jesus told us to do. Not selectively, but in totality.
In order to love our neighbor as we love ourselves we need to follow the commands of Jesus as well. Sometime we find ourselves in situations that challenge us to Love our neighbor. The key is to recognize the areas that cause us to fail in doing that which demonstrates love for our neighbors. We must love them as we love ourselves. We all want the forgiveness that God offers those who love Him by FOLLOWING Jesus. " Love one another as I have loved you" said our Lord. He forgives us when we repent. He wants us to forgive those who "sin" against us. This sometimes seems very difficult to do. Just think of the horrendous suffering that Jesus experienced because of our sins. He did so to pay the price for our sins and our neighbors. Realizing this truth gives us the grace to forgive our neighbor, regardless of what we experience at the hands of our neighbor. Love is not an emotion but rather doing good to God by doing good to our neighbor.
A way to start is to examine our relationships, confess our "grudges" and literally forgive that which we hold against anyone. To forgive requires us to forget. Do good to those who hurt you, love them by treating them in the way you want God to forgive you, even to the laying down of your life for them. Even is they continue to do wrong things to us.
Please dwell on God's love for you.
To Love Him with all our heart, mind, soul and strength requires us to know Him. KNOW Him. We can only know Him by reading, listening, studying His commands as given to us by Jesus. To love Him is to exercise the truths that Jesus revealed to us. We must DO those things that Jesus told us to do. Not selectively, but in totality.
In order to love our neighbor as we love ourselves we need to follow the commands of Jesus as well. Sometime we find ourselves in situations that challenge us to Love our neighbor. The key is to recognize the areas that cause us to fail in doing that which demonstrates love for our neighbors. We must love them as we love ourselves. We all want the forgiveness that God offers those who love Him by FOLLOWING Jesus. " Love one another as I have loved you" said our Lord. He forgives us when we repent. He wants us to forgive those who "sin" against us. This sometimes seems very difficult to do. Just think of the horrendous suffering that Jesus experienced because of our sins. He did so to pay the price for our sins and our neighbors. Realizing this truth gives us the grace to forgive our neighbor, regardless of what we experience at the hands of our neighbor. Love is not an emotion but rather doing good to God by doing good to our neighbor.
A way to start is to examine our relationships, confess our "grudges" and literally forgive that which we hold against anyone. To forgive requires us to forget. Do good to those who hurt you, love them by treating them in the way you want God to forgive you, even to the laying down of your life for them. Even is they continue to do wrong things to us.
Please dwell on God's love for you.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Answer to Prayer
One of the most often overlooked teachings of Jesus is repentance. In our walk with our Lord we sometimes wonder why we are not hearing answers to our prayers. Could it be that we are not focusing of the entire Word but rather focusing on the happy results that we should be experiencing? Each of us needs to look at our own journey with Jesus. Are we ignoring the fundamentals of a relationship with Him?
"This is what is written: "The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and REPENTANCE and FORGIVENESS of sins will be preached in His name to all nations beginning at Jerusalem." Luke 24:46-47.
One of the most productive preachers of the Gospel in our times is Billy Graham. He always emphasized the importance of Repentance, especially during his "altar calls" with the promise of Forgiveness of our sins.
Jesus constantly spoke of the need for repentance. Think about it, if we fail to see the need to repent of sin in our lives, then we have no need for a Savior. We are declaring to ourselves that we are righteous before God based on our "goodness" and therefore have no need for repentance.
"No one is righteous, not even one. No one is truly wise, no one is seeking God, All have turned away; all have become useless. No one does good, not a single one." Romans 3:10-12.
St. Paul is referring to Psalm 14:1-3 "No one is righteous" means"no one is innocent". Every person is valuable in God's eyes because
God created us in His image, and He loves us.But no one is good enough (that is, no one can earn right standing with God. Though we are valuable, we have fallen into sin. But God, through Jesus his Son has redeemed us and offers to forgive us is we turn to Him in Faith.
When you and I share the love of Jesus with others and they understand why they need HIM we communicate the most comforting messages ever given. GOD LOVES US ALL AND FORGIVES US WHEN RECOGNIZE OUR FAILURE TO RECOGNIZE HIS GREAT LOVE FOR US. HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN Son TO DIE IN OUR PLACE FOR OUR SINS AND, ACCEPTING THIS TRUTH SAVE US FROM THE PUNISHMENT THAT WAS DUE US.
Our daily walk with Jesus should always begin with an examination of conscience to see where we failed Him recently and seek His Grace to turn from that failure.
He is there always, lovingly holding out His arms to us and embracing us with His deep love for us. He always hears and answers the prayers of the truly repentant.
"This is what is written: "The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and REPENTANCE and FORGIVENESS of sins will be preached in His name to all nations beginning at Jerusalem." Luke 24:46-47.
One of the most productive preachers of the Gospel in our times is Billy Graham. He always emphasized the importance of Repentance, especially during his "altar calls" with the promise of Forgiveness of our sins.
Jesus constantly spoke of the need for repentance. Think about it, if we fail to see the need to repent of sin in our lives, then we have no need for a Savior. We are declaring to ourselves that we are righteous before God based on our "goodness" and therefore have no need for repentance.
"No one is righteous, not even one. No one is truly wise, no one is seeking God, All have turned away; all have become useless. No one does good, not a single one." Romans 3:10-12.
St. Paul is referring to Psalm 14:1-3 "No one is righteous" means"no one is innocent". Every person is valuable in God's eyes because
God created us in His image, and He loves us.But no one is good enough (that is, no one can earn right standing with God. Though we are valuable, we have fallen into sin. But God, through Jesus his Son has redeemed us and offers to forgive us is we turn to Him in Faith.
When you and I share the love of Jesus with others and they understand why they need HIM we communicate the most comforting messages ever given. GOD LOVES US ALL AND FORGIVES US WHEN RECOGNIZE OUR FAILURE TO RECOGNIZE HIS GREAT LOVE FOR US. HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN Son TO DIE IN OUR PLACE FOR OUR SINS AND, ACCEPTING THIS TRUTH SAVE US FROM THE PUNISHMENT THAT WAS DUE US.
Our daily walk with Jesus should always begin with an examination of conscience to see where we failed Him recently and seek His Grace to turn from that failure.
He is there always, lovingly holding out His arms to us and embracing us with His deep love for us. He always hears and answers the prayers of the truly repentant.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
A friend sent this to me today and I have a need to share it with you.
Psalm 55:22 --- you really need to read this, "Friends are God's way of taking care of us." This was written by a Metro Denver Hospice Physician:
I was driving home from a meeting this evening about 5, stuck in traffic on Colorado Blvd., and the car started to choke and splutter and die - I barely managed to coast into a gas station, glad only that I would not be blocking traffic and would have a somewhat warm spot to wait for the tow truck. It wouldn't even turn over. Before I could make the call, I saw a woman walking out of the quickie mart building, and it looked like she slipped on some ice and fell into a gas pump, so I got out to see if she was okay
When I got there, it looked more like she had been overcome by sobs than that she had fallen; she was a young woman who looked really haggard with dark circles under her eyes. She dropped something as I helped her up, and I picked it up to give it to her. It was a nickel.
At that moment, everything came into focus for me: the crying woman, the ancient Suburban crammed full of stuff with 3 kids in the back (1 in a car seat), and the gas pump reading $4.95.
I asked her if she was okay and if she needed help, and she just kept saying 'I don't want my kids to see me crying!' So we stood on the other side of the pump from her car. She said she was driving to California and that things were very hard for her right now. So I asked, 'And you were praying?' That made her back away from me a little, but I assured her I was not a crazy person and said, 'He heard you, and He sent me.'
I took out my card and swiped it through the card reader on the pump so she could fill up her car completely and while it was fueling walked to the next door McDonald's and bought 2 big bags of food, some gift certificates for more, and a big cup of coffee. She gave the food to the kids in the car, who attacked it like wolves, and we stood by the pump eating fries and talking a little.
She told me her name and that she lived in Kansas City . Her boyfriend left 2 months ago and she had not been able to make ends meet. She knew she wouldn't have money to pay rent Jan. 1 and finally, in desperation, had called her parents, with whom she had not spoken in about 5 years. They lived in California and said she could come live with them and try to get on her feet there.
So she packed up everything she owned in the car. She told the kids they were going to California for Christmas, but not that they were going to live there.
I gave her my gloves, a little hug and said a quick prayer with her for safety on the road. As I was walking over to my car, she said, 'So, are you like an angel or something?'
This definitely made me cry. I said, 'Sweetie, at this time of year angels are really busy, so sometimes God uses regular people.'
It was so incredible to be a part of someone else's miracle. And of course, you guessed it, when I got in my car it started right away and got me home with no problem. I'll put it in the shop tomorrow to check, but I suspect the mechanic won't find anything wrong.
Sometimes the angels fly close enough to you that you can hear the flutter of their wings...
Psalms 55:22 ' Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee. He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.'
Psalm 55:22 --- you really need to read this, "Friends are God's way of taking care of us." This was written by a Metro Denver Hospice Physician:
I was driving home from a meeting this evening about 5, stuck in traffic on Colorado Blvd., and the car started to choke and splutter and die - I barely managed to coast into a gas station, glad only that I would not be blocking traffic and would have a somewhat warm spot to wait for the tow truck. It wouldn't even turn over. Before I could make the call, I saw a woman walking out of the quickie mart building, and it looked like she slipped on some ice and fell into a gas pump, so I got out to see if she was okay
When I got there, it looked more like she had been overcome by sobs than that she had fallen; she was a young woman who looked really haggard with dark circles under her eyes. She dropped something as I helped her up, and I picked it up to give it to her. It was a nickel.
At that moment, everything came into focus for me: the crying woman, the ancient Suburban crammed full of stuff with 3 kids in the back (1 in a car seat), and the gas pump reading $4.95.
I asked her if she was okay and if she needed help, and she just kept saying 'I don't want my kids to see me crying!' So we stood on the other side of the pump from her car. She said she was driving to California and that things were very hard for her right now. So I asked, 'And you were praying?' That made her back away from me a little, but I assured her I was not a crazy person and said, 'He heard you, and He sent me.'
I took out my card and swiped it through the card reader on the pump so she could fill up her car completely and while it was fueling walked to the next door McDonald's and bought 2 big bags of food, some gift certificates for more, and a big cup of coffee. She gave the food to the kids in the car, who attacked it like wolves, and we stood by the pump eating fries and talking a little.
She told me her name and that she lived in Kansas City . Her boyfriend left 2 months ago and she had not been able to make ends meet. She knew she wouldn't have money to pay rent Jan. 1 and finally, in desperation, had called her parents, with whom she had not spoken in about 5 years. They lived in California and said she could come live with them and try to get on her feet there.
So she packed up everything she owned in the car. She told the kids they were going to California for Christmas, but not that they were going to live there.
I gave her my gloves, a little hug and said a quick prayer with her for safety on the road. As I was walking over to my car, she said, 'So, are you like an angel or something?'
This definitely made me cry. I said, 'Sweetie, at this time of year angels are really busy, so sometimes God uses regular people.'
It was so incredible to be a part of someone else's miracle. And of course, you guessed it, when I got in my car it started right away and got me home with no problem. I'll put it in the shop tomorrow to check, but I suspect the mechanic won't find anything wrong.
Sometimes the angels fly close enough to you that you can hear the flutter of their wings...
Psalms 55:22 ' Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee. He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.'
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Great News
My evaluation following 6 weeks of resumption of chemo happened today. The chemo is WORKING and the critical number is coming back down.HALLELUJAH!!!!!
I go back for follow up in 2 months. Jesus is fighting this battle for me and giving me renewed strength.
Thank you soooo much for your constant intercession along with your thanksgiving for His hugging me always and everywhere. I pray for all of you daily also with thanksgiving for His great love for you.
I and my family love you all.
I go back for follow up in 2 months. Jesus is fighting this battle for me and giving me renewed strength.
Thank you soooo much for your constant intercession along with your thanksgiving for His hugging me always and everywhere. I pray for all of you daily also with thanksgiving for His great love for you.
I and my family love you all.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
How do we love one another?
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."He repeated this command minutes later when He said,"My command is this:Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that, he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command." John 15:22-14.
Prior to His arrest, Jesus prayed to our Father."My prayer is not for them(His disciples alone). I pray also for those who will believe in Me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in Me and I am in You. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." John 17:20-23
"To be brought to COMPLETE UNITY."
This is a compassionate, loving, deep prayer to our Father. We, as followers of Christ must be totally in agreement as to how God loves us. How can the world believe the truth if we are not in full agreement in our faith. Sound doctrine is important but if we focus on the differences in the doctrines of our religious affiliations rather than on the commands of Jesus to obey His commands by following His teaching and doing His Word, then we are not ONE with Him and certainly not One in the faith. When we live the Word and preach the Word as given by the Word, Jesus, we are in unity with each other and God our Father.
Jesus pleaded that His disciples know Him intimately by studying His commands and following those commands. This is the ONLY way that we can show God our trust and faith in Him. So, let us determine to FOCUS on the command to truly follow Jesus every moment of our lives. Then and only then will the world know that God loves them because they see how we love one another.
Prior to His arrest, Jesus prayed to our Father."My prayer is not for them(His disciples alone). I pray also for those who will believe in Me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in Me and I am in You. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." John 17:20-23
"To be brought to COMPLETE UNITY."
This is a compassionate, loving, deep prayer to our Father. We, as followers of Christ must be totally in agreement as to how God loves us. How can the world believe the truth if we are not in full agreement in our faith. Sound doctrine is important but if we focus on the differences in the doctrines of our religious affiliations rather than on the commands of Jesus to obey His commands by following His teaching and doing His Word, then we are not ONE with Him and certainly not One in the faith. When we live the Word and preach the Word as given by the Word, Jesus, we are in unity with each other and God our Father.
Jesus pleaded that His disciples know Him intimately by studying His commands and following those commands. This is the ONLY way that we can show God our trust and faith in Him. So, let us determine to FOCUS on the command to truly follow Jesus every moment of our lives. Then and only then will the world know that God loves them because they see how we love one another.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
"Take courage--don't be afraid" Matthew 14:27
After Jesus had fed the thousands He instructed his disciples to get in the boat and cross the sea. Then He went to the top of a hill to pray. While He was praying, a fierce storm came and placed the boat and the disciples in danger. The disciples were in jeopardy of losing their lives. Suddenly they saw an image approaching them on the water. Again they were very afraid thinking they were seeing a ghost. They were actually screaming....then they heard the voice of Jesus and they instantly were delivered from fear."Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." Matthew 14:27
"It is I" The ghost they saw was no ghost it was Jesus. Peace enveloped them when they heard HIS voice. Jesus was close at hand, and peace will replace our fears.
When I was first diagnosed with colon cancer in Oct.2010 it was necessary to spend time in M.D. Anderson Cancer Center for complete diagnosis. This was a 10 day ordeal requiring many procedures including numerous body scans. On day 2 I had to have a C.T Scan, one of many more to come. I have had a lifelong, morbid fear of closed places. When they were ready move me into the "tunnel" I saw a figure standing before me. Jesus knew my fear and without my asking for help He showed Himself to me. I did not see the features of His face but I "saw" Him and then I asked Him to hug me and asked permission to hug Him, He allowed this intimacy. I knew then, for very sure that it was Jesus. His garment was sooo soft and comforting. Then the scanning machine began to "swallow" me up. Instantly, Jesus was out of view but He was standing behind me with His Hands On my shoulders. Needless to say all fear was gone. Folks, I realize that for some who read this testimony this was but a dream however, the perception of others, in no way, alters the facts of the situation.
Since that glorious day I have been free from claustrophobia. This is a miracle. Whenever I am faced with difficult tests or other challenges I see Him and hug Him. He is always there before us. We need only to trust Him. As Peter walked briefly on the water, he considered the storm around him and began to sink. when he thought he would drown he called on our Lord who reached out and pulled him up. If we simply would obey His command to TRUST in Him, without question, all fear will be gone. Think about it, He is always here next to each of us, why would we consider taking our eyes off Him!!
President Roosevelt made a powerful statement when this nation was in danger of being destroyed by fear. The famous words "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"
reminded us that we have control over what we believe. I, choose to believe the promises of our Savior Jesus. What do you believe?
"It is I" The ghost they saw was no ghost it was Jesus. Peace enveloped them when they heard HIS voice. Jesus was close at hand, and peace will replace our fears.
When I was first diagnosed with colon cancer in Oct.2010 it was necessary to spend time in M.D. Anderson Cancer Center for complete diagnosis. This was a 10 day ordeal requiring many procedures including numerous body scans. On day 2 I had to have a C.T Scan, one of many more to come. I have had a lifelong, morbid fear of closed places. When they were ready move me into the "tunnel" I saw a figure standing before me. Jesus knew my fear and without my asking for help He showed Himself to me. I did not see the features of His face but I "saw" Him and then I asked Him to hug me and asked permission to hug Him, He allowed this intimacy. I knew then, for very sure that it was Jesus. His garment was sooo soft and comforting. Then the scanning machine began to "swallow" me up. Instantly, Jesus was out of view but He was standing behind me with His Hands On my shoulders. Needless to say all fear was gone. Folks, I realize that for some who read this testimony this was but a dream however, the perception of others, in no way, alters the facts of the situation.
Since that glorious day I have been free from claustrophobia. This is a miracle. Whenever I am faced with difficult tests or other challenges I see Him and hug Him. He is always there before us. We need only to trust Him. As Peter walked briefly on the water, he considered the storm around him and began to sink. when he thought he would drown he called on our Lord who reached out and pulled him up. If we simply would obey His command to TRUST in Him, without question, all fear will be gone. Think about it, He is always here next to each of us, why would we consider taking our eyes off Him!!
President Roosevelt made a powerful statement when this nation was in danger of being destroyed by fear. The famous words "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"
reminded us that we have control over what we believe. I, choose to believe the promises of our Savior Jesus. What do you believe?
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Today I received a link from my daughter that confirmed for me the importance of Praise. Our Lord wants us to Praise Him as a reminder of who we are and how much He loves us. When we are at our lowest or when we are at our highest we need to praise Him for He Is God our creator, comforter, redeemer and constant companion. The God who loves us so much that He came to earth to reveal Himself to us, to teach us, to suffer and die for us, to rise from the dead to assure us that we have eternal life through Him.
Please turn up the volume and sing along with this blessed group.
Please turn up the volume and sing along with this blessed group.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Blessed Are You
"Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:3
Approximately 35 years ago I stood in front of a mirror in our dressing room and felt completely empty and powerless to be worthy of salvation. In a brief moment of time I knew that of a certainty I could never achieve a righteousness that would gain eternal life for me. This was a revelation that I treasure. I cried out to God a genuine prayer of gratitude that He revealed to me the Truth.
I was aware that I was destitute, completely and totally incapable of pleasing
At the time, I was ministering to a fairly large group of people via TV who were seeking Him. Not aware of the depth of the meaning of relationship with God. It was at that moment of revelation in front of the mirror, I realized that my attempts to achieve righteousness were futile. The righteousness of Jesus cannot be earned by works. We are clothed in HIS righteousness when we become His disciples, that is, true believers. As we have discussed in previous teachings, true believers in Christ are those who listen to His Words and do the things that He taught.
Rest in the knowledge that you are Blessed when you are poor in spirit for yours is the kingdom of heaven. not by your works but by the gift of Grace freely given to those who accept Jesus' words and trust is Him for eternal life.
Approximately 35 years ago I stood in front of a mirror in our dressing room and felt completely empty and powerless to be worthy of salvation. In a brief moment of time I knew that of a certainty I could never achieve a righteousness that would gain eternal life for me. This was a revelation that I treasure. I cried out to God a genuine prayer of gratitude that He revealed to me the Truth.
I was aware that I was destitute, completely and totally incapable of pleasing
At the time, I was ministering to a fairly large group of people via TV who were seeking Him. Not aware of the depth of the meaning of relationship with God. It was at that moment of revelation in front of the mirror, I realized that my attempts to achieve righteousness were futile. The righteousness of Jesus cannot be earned by works. We are clothed in HIS righteousness when we become His disciples, that is, true believers. As we have discussed in previous teachings, true believers in Christ are those who listen to His Words and do the things that He taught.
Rest in the knowledge that you are Blessed when you are poor in spirit for yours is the kingdom of heaven. not by your works but by the gift of Grace freely given to those who accept Jesus' words and trust is Him for eternal life.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
A Miracle Of Love
Hello, I was awakened very early this morning by the Holy Spirit I believe. I had and still have a need to share with you a song I wrote in 1988. I do not know why but here goes.
This song was inspired by the Holy Spirit in answer to my request to give me a song to share the message of His Love for all the world.
I am only able to share the lyrics at this time, perhaps I can find a way to have it recorded in the future.
A Miracle Of Love
Many years ago on a starlit night came a miracle of love
Ina lowly manger lay a child sent to us from above.
His name is Jesus the bright and morning star.
He is the Prince of Peace, The King of Kings
He is the great "I AM" the God of Abraham
He wants you by His side, so take His Hand
verse 2
If you believe in Him,
Turn away from sin,
He'll ever hold you in His Arms.He'll cleanse your soul,
And make you whole,
And keep you from all harm.
Repeat Chorus
verse 3
When this life is o'er,
He will come for you,
And take you to His home on high.
Where Angels sing praise to the King,
And so will you and I.
Repeat Chorus
I have been told ,many times that the melody is beautiful. I will try to have a recording done so that I might give it to you sometime in the near future.
This song was inspired by the Holy Spirit in answer to my request to give me a song to share the message of His Love for all the world.
I am only able to share the lyrics at this time, perhaps I can find a way to have it recorded in the future.
A Miracle Of Love
Many years ago on a starlit night came a miracle of love
Ina lowly manger lay a child sent to us from above.
His name is Jesus the bright and morning star.
He is the Prince of Peace, The King of Kings
He is the great "I AM" the God of Abraham
He wants you by His side, so take His Hand
verse 2
If you believe in Him,
Turn away from sin,
He'll ever hold you in His Arms.He'll cleanse your soul,
And make you whole,
And keep you from all harm.
Repeat Chorus
verse 3
When this life is o'er,
He will come for you,
And take you to His home on high.
Where Angels sing praise to the King,
And so will you and I.
Repeat Chorus
I have been told ,many times that the melody is beautiful. I will try to have a recording done so that I might give it to you sometime in the near future.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Walk beside of Jesus
(Jesus said)"
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light" Matthew 11
While we are following Jesus we must also learn to walk WITH Him at our side. He is there. We know this because we are eagerly learning how to follow Him. Our desire to follow Him comes from His walking with us, always and everywhere. His yoke tells us that He is bearing the burden with us and is carrying the major part of the load. His yoke binds us to Him and guides us on the path to holiness.
He is guiding us to look to Him to teach us the way. Much of our time is spent learning from other sources rather than from Him. Our parents, school teachers, books,peers, TV,radio, etc. Even many devout Christians look elsewhere for the answers to the challenges of life. All the while Jesus is eagerly waiting for us to help us find the answers that we seek. Often, we work very hard for the answers and fail to allow Jesus to show us the solutions.
Knowing Him by following His way allowing Him to carry the load with us is the way to peace of mind,soul, and spirit. Seek His Word diligently and you will feel the presence of God, your Savior, and allow Him to be your LORD. He loves you and wants you to feel His presence. You are not alone. He is beside you always and everywhere. Recognize His presence even when you are not seeking His Way. Rest on Him, He offers you comfort and PEACE.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light" Matthew 11
While we are following Jesus we must also learn to walk WITH Him at our side. He is there. We know this because we are eagerly learning how to follow Him. Our desire to follow Him comes from His walking with us, always and everywhere. His yoke tells us that He is bearing the burden with us and is carrying the major part of the load. His yoke binds us to Him and guides us on the path to holiness.
He is guiding us to look to Him to teach us the way. Much of our time is spent learning from other sources rather than from Him. Our parents, school teachers, books,peers, TV,radio, etc. Even many devout Christians look elsewhere for the answers to the challenges of life. All the while Jesus is eagerly waiting for us to help us find the answers that we seek. Often, we work very hard for the answers and fail to allow Jesus to show us the solutions.
Knowing Him by following His way allowing Him to carry the load with us is the way to peace of mind,soul, and spirit. Seek His Word diligently and you will feel the presence of God, your Savior, and allow Him to be your LORD. He loves you and wants you to feel His presence. You are not alone. He is beside you always and everywhere. Recognize His presence even when you are not seeking His Way. Rest on Him, He offers you comfort and PEACE.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
To gain eternal joy we must give up our lives
"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." (Matthew 16:24)
When Jesus called His chosen to follow Him He did not ask them recite some form of prayer, but He always invited them to FOLLOW HIM. The Apostles the tax collectors and countless others were all invited to FOLLOW HIM. What would happen if we invited those in our lives to follow Jesus? In the more than 1,900 statements that Jesus gave in the New Testament He calls on us to FOLLOW HIM.
Wouldn't it be a great project to begin now, this year, to STUDY His Word in order to know His commands and then OBEY by putting into practice His teachings!!
"If you love me, you will obey what I command"; Whoever has my commands and obeys them , he is the one loves me"; and : If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching" (John 14:15,21,23)
Hearing His commands and doing them is the way God wants us to show our love for Him.
When studying His Word, it is important to do so in "bite sized" readings, and asking the Holy Spirit to enlighten us. Sometimes we get caught up in words we are reading that we read too much at one time and lose the message. I personally read only that which I am truly understanding at the time so that my spirit will absorb the message. Then I can spend the following time of day in internalizing the teaching. This is a great way spend our time. even when we are doing the necessary things to care for our earthly obligations.
God so loves us that He even makes following Him a pleasant task, even when we are challenged by the trials of this life.
When Jesus called His chosen to follow Him He did not ask them recite some form of prayer, but He always invited them to FOLLOW HIM. The Apostles the tax collectors and countless others were all invited to FOLLOW HIM. What would happen if we invited those in our lives to follow Jesus? In the more than 1,900 statements that Jesus gave in the New Testament He calls on us to FOLLOW HIM.
Wouldn't it be a great project to begin now, this year, to STUDY His Word in order to know His commands and then OBEY by putting into practice His teachings!!
"If you love me, you will obey what I command"; Whoever has my commands and obeys them , he is the one loves me"; and : If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching" (John 14:15,21,23)
Hearing His commands and doing them is the way God wants us to show our love for Him.
When studying His Word, it is important to do so in "bite sized" readings, and asking the Holy Spirit to enlighten us. Sometimes we get caught up in words we are reading that we read too much at one time and lose the message. I personally read only that which I am truly understanding at the time so that my spirit will absorb the message. Then I can spend the following time of day in internalizing the teaching. This is a great way spend our time. even when we are doing the necessary things to care for our earthly obligations.
God so loves us that He even makes following Him a pleasant task, even when we are challenged by the trials of this life.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Intimacy with GOD our Father
As we seek intimacy with our Father we discover that many of us do not really know our God. I have a favorite scripture that reminds me of just who God is and how He has deigned for us to truly know Him.
The 1st chapter of the Gospel of John clearly declares the person of the Father and the Son.Please notice that I wrote person in the singular. "In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with God, He was in the beginning with God and the WORD WAS GOD. Through Him all things were made and without Him nothing was made that was made" "The WORD was made FLESH and DWELT among us"
Jesus and the Father are ONE. to know Jesus is to know our Father. A systematic study of the words of Jesus in the new Testament are the words of our Father. God reveals Himself and His desire for us through the teachings of Jesus. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son" Jesus is God incarnate. He came to live on this earth for us so that we would know Him and worship Him and share Him with all who will listen. Just think, He left His place in Heaven to show us how much He loves us and wants us to be with Him for all eternity. How can we ignore such a deep love?
He took upon Himself the sins of the whole world, and offers to us without any effort on our part, complete forgiveness and cleansing. When we BELIEVE on Jesus, that is to obey His teachings, we are pleasing our Father.
It is good to meditate on the crucified Christ to help us to understand the love of God. I sometimes gaze at a crucifix and try to imagine the unbearable suffering that HE endured because of my sins. One cannot help but weep when this reality penetrates our soul. How can we ever repay that kind of love? We cannot, we can only receive the blessing of His love and FOLLOW HIM.
The 1st chapter of the Gospel of John clearly declares the person of the Father and the Son.Please notice that I wrote person in the singular. "In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with God, He was in the beginning with God and the WORD WAS GOD. Through Him all things were made and without Him nothing was made that was made" "The WORD was made FLESH and DWELT among us"
Jesus and the Father are ONE. to know Jesus is to know our Father. A systematic study of the words of Jesus in the new Testament are the words of our Father. God reveals Himself and His desire for us through the teachings of Jesus. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son" Jesus is God incarnate. He came to live on this earth for us so that we would know Him and worship Him and share Him with all who will listen. Just think, He left His place in Heaven to show us how much He loves us and wants us to be with Him for all eternity. How can we ignore such a deep love?
He took upon Himself the sins of the whole world, and offers to us without any effort on our part, complete forgiveness and cleansing. When we BELIEVE on Jesus, that is to obey His teachings, we are pleasing our Father.
It is good to meditate on the crucified Christ to help us to understand the love of God. I sometimes gaze at a crucifix and try to imagine the unbearable suffering that HE endured because of my sins. One cannot help but weep when this reality penetrates our soul. How can we ever repay that kind of love? We cannot, we can only receive the blessing of His love and FOLLOW HIM.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
John 14:27
John 14:27
When I first heard the preliminary diagnosis of colon cancer I experienced, for the first time in my life, a peace that truly was beyond my understanding. It is not possible to describe this freedom from fear that I have been blessed with. To this very day there is no fear of cancer in my mind or soul. This is truly a peace that surpasses all understanding. It does not come from anything doctors or anyone else has said to me. It came not from my devotion to God it is just here. It is God's grace that delivers us from fear. His grace is what saves us from eternal damnation. It is His grace that allows us to called His children. Therefore, since we are saved solely by His Grace we should live our entire lives showing our gratitude for His love that saves all who accept Him through our love for His beloved Son, Jesus.
To love God is to know Him intimately. This knowledge can only come through our obedience to His
word that Jesus taught us in His walk with us on earth. Studying His Word through faithful reading of His Word shows us the way to LOVE GOD OUR FATHER. Simply reading of the scriptures cannot give us this relationship with our Father but DOING that which Jesus taught us in His Word. This takes a devotion to Him that is rewarded with more and more Grace that removes all fear. We are not earning this, since Grace is a Gift from God, rather, it is a result of our obedience. We may say that we believe in Jesus for salvation but that belief can be only intellectual. Belief in Jesus, true belief in Jesus, is only real when we follow His teaching. Love Him, the rewards are awesome.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Re-started chemo last Wednesday using same treatment as the first round. Our prayer is that this will be as affective as round one of last year. Your prayers are appreciated. All my love to you all.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
As we enter the new year with it's challenges let us consider our mission for our Lord. Unlike new year resolutions which are seldom kept, we must focus on keeping the mission that Jesus has commanded us to accomplish. First, we need to love God with all of our being. This is possible. the love that Jesus speaks of is not an emotion but rather obedience. The only way we can love God is by doing that which He has commanded.
There is only one way to know those requirements is to study His Word and then carry out those assignments.
Then and only then will be truly love our Father and be able to carry out mission #2 which is to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Think about this folks, are we determined to follow His instructions? Do we spend the major part of each day dwelling on His Word? Are we allowing the distractions of life to move us away from our Father? If Jesus is first in our thoughts, He will be first in our actions. If Jesus is first then we can conquer all challenges of this life by allowing Him to be our comfort and guide. Then we will truly rest on His promise to be with us in all circumstances and never leave us nor forsake us.
Oh, dear friends, the joy that comes from truly LOVING GOD is besyond description. The only way to know that joy is to yield your carnal desires to Jesus and His cross and place your heart of hearts in His loving care.
There is only one way to know those requirements is to study His Word and then carry out those assignments.
Then and only then will be truly love our Father and be able to carry out mission #2 which is to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Think about this folks, are we determined to follow His instructions? Do we spend the major part of each day dwelling on His Word? Are we allowing the distractions of life to move us away from our Father? If Jesus is first in our thoughts, He will be first in our actions. If Jesus is first then we can conquer all challenges of this life by allowing Him to be our comfort and guide. Then we will truly rest on His promise to be with us in all circumstances and never leave us nor forsake us.
Oh, dear friends, the joy that comes from truly LOVING GOD is besyond description. The only way to know that joy is to yield your carnal desires to Jesus and His cross and place your heart of hearts in His loving care.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Prayer team
Once again, Happy New Year. In case you are not aware I have a Prayer Request group who graciously and lovingly join us in praying for those who are in need. If you would like to join this ministry of prayer please post your e-mail address on this blog and I will add you to the group. May our Lord continue to bless you in every area of your life.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year
We had a fun week prior to New Years eve. Traveled to south Florida to visit with granddaughter Maria and her hubby Mike. We were treated to terrific hospitality, incredible food, games (scrabble and I won), also a ride on Mike's big boat. We were blessed with perfect weather (78-80) the entire week and driving both directions was very pleasant.
We welcomed in the New Year with Dianne and family at Hope International Church WOW!!! what a blessing it was. Today, shopping for bargains more of the same tomorrow.
We welcomed in the New Year with Dianne and family at Hope International Church WOW!!! what a blessing it was. Today, shopping for bargains more of the same tomorrow.
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