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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Great News

My evaluation following 6 weeks of resumption of chemo happened today. The chemo is WORKING and the critical number is coming back down.HALLELUJAH!!!!!

I go back for follow up in 2 months. Jesus is fighting this battle for me and giving me renewed strength.

Thank you soooo much for your constant intercession along with your thanksgiving for His hugging me always and everywhere. I pray for all of you daily also with thanksgiving for His great love for you.

I and my family love you all.


Anonymous said...

That is great news!!

Anonymous said...

I ran to heaven last night and gave God a GIANT HUG!!!
Thank you Jesus that by those stripes you took, Daddy IS Healed!
1 Peter 2:24

I love you bigger,

Anonymous said...

Praise God Richard! I'm still praying for you!

Brian Low

Anonymous said...

Praise God! I'm so happy to hear this awesome news. I will continue to pray for you.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I love seeing God at work. Great news and I am so inspired by the manifesting miracles in your life & I look forward to the day when you witness the baffled reactions on the faces of your doctors when they can't find any cancer cells anywhere in your body and their logic is short circuited with their spirit by knowing that it couldn't be by chemo alone but instead the hand of God on your life. Congrats on the good news my friend. :-) Your still in my prayers as you write the next chapter in your life journey. Just me, Glenn

Anonymous said...

Great News! Kim Shelly

Anonymous said...

Praise God!! I love to hear your great news! You're an inspiration Dad!
(your other daughter)

Anonymous said...

This is Great News! I have you, my Aunt Betty, and all who fighting this battle with Cancer. With God on your side, whatever the challenges that come will be easier to handle with his comfort. Thank you for sharing his words with us.
Joe Ousley

Anonymous said...

Praise God!!! Will continue the prayers.

Anonymous said...

PRAISE GOD!!!!!! Keep working. Prayers for all of YOU. Kimberly Thurston

Anonymous said...

Hey dad this is the other Vince, the Garden Rebel and your wonderful daughter adopted me into the family, so thats how you have two son's named Vince! I think this blog is amazing. I keep thinking of the number of lives that you and God are affecting, the power of exponential prayer is awesome. Inspiration is such a great word and that is the word I use to describe all of your writings.Thank you for doing this and I love being friends with your family as each of them always inspire me.I will be checking in from time to time to feel elevated and levitated! Oh, and if you see my sister Diane please give her a big bear hug for me.