(Jesus said)"
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light" Matthew 11
While we are following Jesus we must also learn to walk WITH Him at our side. He is there. We know this because we are eagerly learning how to follow Him. Our desire to follow Him comes from His walking with us, always and everywhere. His yoke tells us that He is bearing the burden with us and is carrying the major part of the load. His yoke binds us to Him and guides us on the path to holiness.
He is guiding us to look to Him to teach us the way. Much of our time is spent learning from other sources rather than from Him. Our parents, school teachers, books,peers, TV,radio, etc. Even many devout Christians look elsewhere for the answers to the challenges of life. All the while Jesus is eagerly waiting for us to help us find the answers that we seek. Often, we work very hard for the answers and fail to allow Jesus to show us the solutions.
Knowing Him by following His way allowing Him to carry the load with us is the way to peace of mind,soul, and spirit. Seek His Word diligently and you will feel the presence of God, your Savior, and allow Him to be your LORD. He loves you and wants you to feel His presence. You are not alone. He is beside you always and everywhere. Recognize His presence even when you are not seeking His Way. Rest on Him, He offers you comfort and PEACE.
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powerful and humbling words to begin my day. it is often that i find myself turning to other sources (all be it Christian sources) for answers, instead of going directly to Gods Word.
Richard You Are So Right On Always,
And So Today Is Right In Line..And So Are You My Prayers AlwaysGOD PROTECTS US FROM FALLS AS WELL AS EVIL!!! Your Friend JT
Thank you for sharing Gods word. Blessings to you..Kimberly Thurston
What a blessing this word was for me and my study group, please continue to spread the word of our Father I look forward to reading your posts! I shared your blog site on Twitter and Facebook so my friends and family can all tune into a good word from an anointed man of God and I've gotten so many likes and comments from individuals stating your message was EXACTLY what they needed due to facing different struggles and trials in their lives!
May God continue to bless your ministry,
What a difference it makes when you give all your troubles to God! It is true peace that you can't find anywhere else. Thank you again for sharing God's word. I continue to pray for you and your family.
Thank you so much- this is a great word. Walking with Him- not running ahead or lagging behind but the yoke does remind us- right together "in step" with the Lord! Thank you for a great reminder today.
In Christ, Denise
I'm really happy that your diving back into your ministry and sharing with us. I enjoy checking out your blog. Its inspiring and uplifting plus it gives me two fold joy. The joy of the message & the joy of hearing the messenger share & teach again. The joy of my friend continueing his purpose & path once again while also discovering that there are many of us out here in cyber land that are being blessed by you continuing your ministry using modern technology like the internet.
Thank You & Blessings To You & Your Family,
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