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Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Have you ever prayed for something from God and haven't seen the request being granted? When I was a child I had a deep desire to own a bicycle and as you might guess I asked my parents for one, over and over again. I used many techniques to make my desire known to Mom and Dad. If you have seen the movie "The Christmas Story" Ralphie used a great deal of methods to make his dream come true. He wanted a BB gun and fantasized about owning one. But, his parents were no slouches at being caring parents. It wasn't because of meanness or finances that his folks seemed to have a "deaf" ear but rather, a desire to protect him from harm, like putting his eye out.  When he clearly made his desire known to anyone, he always got the same advice, "you'll put your eye out" from his teacher, the department store Santa his Mom etc.

Ralphie's Mom, the most vocal objector to his desire, had a deep need to protect him from harm.  She refused his repeated requests because she knew  the consequences that could occur if he got his gun. Even though she knew that she was hurting him, her love for him, while appearing to be insensitive to his feelings, was an act of love. His Dad had a human type of "love" for Ralphie and gave in and proved to be a fulfillment of "prophesy".  He gave the lad the gun and as you might guess. on the first try to shoot the gun he shot his eyeglass out.

In retrospect, my folks were protecting me. We lived in the City of Baltimore, in Little Italy. Much traffic to all the places that I would go. This was an act of love.  Later on my parents purchased a shore front property where I spent my summer vacations. The roads were dirt and stone with very little traffic, plus I was a couple of years older. I got my bike. YEA!!!

Matthew 7:9 "You parents--if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Of course not!  Or if they ask for a fish do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask Him."

We must not however, stop keep asking for that which is important to you. If the answer doesn't come on your schedule an  answer is there.  Remember, God Loves you and knows that which is good for you.  In time you will see the answer.

When I was a boy in grammar school, I served as an altar boy. One of the services on Mondays was novena for blessings and prayer requests. I was struck by the many testimonies of mother's who had prayed for years for the salvation of husbands and sons, some of those prayers lasted for 30 or more years. 
Matthew 7:7 Jesus says, "Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. ".

God loves us. He listens to all prayers. He answers all prayers. He, in His infinite Love gives us that which is best for us.   Trust Him, for He is GOD.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for always loving me and guiding me especially when I didn't think I needed guidance.
Thank you for teaching me to see God as my Dad.

I love you,

Anonymous said...

Hi Dad...this is your friend Michelle. Dianne sent me a link to your blog. She intended me to be uplifted by your "Hang in There" message...which I was. But it was your "I Wish You Enough" message that hit my heart even more!!! Thank you so much for putting such
a powerful message in my heart before I retire for the night!!!

Anonymous said...

A lot to face today...
I need this word.
I WILL wait on GOD!

Anonymous said...

At times, it is difficult to be patient and understand why our prayers aren't answered on our time. Thank you for the important reminder that we need to TRUST in God.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, for the great words of God love for us.
