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Monday, March 19, 2012


Hello fellow believers in Christ.

As we look forward to Easter and the joy of that season on our calendar I find it sad that so few recognize the significance of Easter. This is the most important time in the life of Christians. The most important date in our lives. Without the Resurrection there is no life. Our faith is based on the Resurrection. Why then is there such expectation of the coming of the "Easter Bunny" and virtually No expectation of the Return of Jesus.

Christmas, in this age has become a huge commercial boon
in our society. Thoughts of toys and presents, 'Santa Claus' and material gain with debt that fuels these celebrations. We have taught our children that Christmas is the time of materialism and maybe, in second place, the birth of GOD COME IN THE FLESH TO REVEAL HIS LOVE FOR US AND EVERLASTING LIFE.

How is Easter any different? The Easter Bunny has become a symbol of materialism as well. Thousands of books honor the myth of the Easter Bunny. How many can we find that focus on the most important date in our lives? Books that highlight the "reason for the season"!

Oh Shaw Richard, there is nothing wrong with allowing our kids to have "innocent" fun. Actually, nothing at all provided that the "fun" doesn't come at the cost of obscuring the purpose of the celebration. May we pray to return to the joy of the Resurrection of our Lord and FOCUS ON JESUS, not only at Easter and Christmas but every single day of our lives. The Church adopted pagan rituals about Easter and brought them to conform with our Faith in Jesus. The symbol of the eggs, critters etc. Many of these symbols are easily usable to explain to children the incredible gift of life with God that the Resurrection of Jesus brings to mankind. This truly is a time to shout Allelujah! The Lord lives and will be back again to take us up through our own resurrection. Is there anything greater than that promise?


Anonymous said...

I too am amazed at the minimal emphasis placed on the victorious event of Easter by non Christians and Christians alike! If Christians do not celebrate this incredible day for what it truly is, how can we be a witness to a world desparate for new life in Christ! Lenten Blessings Uncle Rich- Sue

Anonymous said...

Thank you for always speaking Truth!

Anonymous said...

Daddy I find myself crying often when I think of the price Jesus paid for my sins. When I think how much He loves me,it breaks my heart each Easter...His gift goes ignorned or hidden in a bunny costume.
God so loved the world that He gave His Only begotten Son so that we can live eternally with Him. Resurrection Sunday we should be able to hear choirs singing on the streets.
Thank you for this spiritual reminder.

Anonymous said...

It is so sad how our spiritual holidays have taken a back seat to the commercial side of a holiday. Thank you for reminding us what is most important about this day! Jesus Christ has Risen!!
God bless you!