As we approach the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ from the dead, it is good to reflect on our own resurrection day. In memory of the glorious Resurrection of our Savior we hold a particular day to Honor our Lord's Life, Death, and His being placed at the right hand of our Father in Heaven.
We are promised by Jesus that we too will rise again and reign with Him for all Eternity. We will be in the presence of our Heavenly Father, worshiping Him face to face. That alone, for me, is sufficient motivation to serve Him in this earthly life.
May we all spend quality time reflecting on our Father's love for us. He gave His only begotten Son to live and die for us, to redeem us from our sins and sinful nature that we inherited from Adam. That act of redemption came at a price that none of us can fathom. It is hurtful to ponder the pain that Father suffered as He watched His Son, Jesus, go through unimaginable suffering to pay for our sins, while He, Jesus, Himself was innocent of all sin.
His gift of redemption must not be taken lightly. Without Jesus there is no life. If we reject that priceless gift from God we will perish unto eternal damnation.
Receiving that priceless gift is not only a matter of confessing our Faith in Jesus but actually believing Who He is by following His teachings. Doing God's Will is truly a light in this world of much darkness. We are instantly rewarded when we obey Him. Our weaknesses and faults are covered by the Precious Blood of Jesus when we demonstrate of Love for Him by obedience to His Word. Our perspective of life in these bodies changes as we embrace Him by obeying His Word and putting the Word into practice. We become a beacon of light, guiding others to believe in the one and only way to God.
Let us sing Alleluia! with loud voices in Praise of God Almighty for we will all, who truly believe, be with Him for all eternity. No more sickness, no more death no more sin, only inexplicable joy forever and ever. PRAISE HIM NOW AND FOREVER!!!
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Daddy this teaching took me back to when Gramps went to heaven...Sarah was only 3 yrs old, she saw me crying and asked John was mommy was so sad. He told her that Gramps had died...she
instantly said"but why is mommy sad,Gramps is In Heaven with Jesus! !!"
Oh to hold onto the our Faith of a child. We would walk different every day. We would be salt and light in this world.
Thanks for the prayer you put into these messages bless so many .
A message that is needed daily in our world. Thank you for being a reminder to all that is good. God has so much for us upon this earth and all we need to do is ask him to fill us with the dreams he has for us. We need to spend less time looking for if we keep our eyes on HIM we will be filled with true life. I'm ready for what he has for me here and in Heaven.
Keep the good word coming!
Please pray that my ulcer is healing and I will soon be able to eat normal again.
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