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Thursday, May 3, 2012



Many arguments turn into causes of friction, tension and even worse over nothing.  When we disagree over anything it is because we believe our view is correct and so we defend our side vigorously.  I found many years ago that it costs NOTHING to apologize.  Even when I believe that I am absolutely in the right, it usually is over some trivial matter.  Forcing my view to an empty victory is destructive and sometimes can lead to serious rifts in a relationship.

If we just humble ourselves and realize that in any argument both parties are at fault to some degree.  Even if you’re sure that you are 100% in the right (which is never true) it costs nothing to apologize to your spouse.  Try it! It feels good and in retrospect it was over nothing of eternal value that was the root of the disagreement.  True love is being sensitive to the feelings of others and acting in accord with the love of God.


Dee said...


I share with the kids when they are arguing over 'who was right!'
how JESUS WAS RIGHT! and He stood with zipped lips, did not come to HIS own defense...AND!!!! HE Loved sooooooooo much, that HE Actually Said "Father Forgive them for they know NOT what they do".
It is that example that we PRAY Daily to REMEMBER, because tend to be so easily offended.
Psalm 119:165

'Great peace have they which love thy law: And nothing shall offend them.'

Forgive me Daddy if I have been short or ugly lately,

Anonymous said...

Mr s.
You said you just celebrated 50 yrs of marriage
please share more keys to a happy marriage.