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Sunday, June 10, 2012


"For by Grace are we saved through faith, and that not of ourselves, it is a gift of God lest any man should boast." Eph 2:8-9. 

Since we are saved and delivered from sin by the Grace of Almighty God, we need to dwell on that gift of everlasting LIFE.  God loves us so much that He wants us to be one with Him through Jesus His only begotten Son.  The measure of our faith is a GIFT.  We must avoid judging the holiness of one another by our experience and perception of faith.  When we see that one of our brethren seems to be weak in faith, we need to hold them up to our Lord to increase their faith, and not judge them as to where our Lord has brought them in their walk with Jesus.  Since we are saved by the pure GIFT of faith in Christ we need to give thanks for our brothers and sisters in the Lord and lift them up rather than judge them as to their relationship with GOD.  As our Lord gives us all good things, we should give good things to our brethren, always. Offer love, peace, joy and hope in Christ our Savior, and our joy will overflow.


Dee said...

Amen Daddy,

We have been learning in our house for the past couple years to stive to follow one little POWERFUL Verse...Matthew 7:1 "Judge NOT Lest you be judged".

If we do as Psalm 1 teaches, Abide in the Word day and night...then not judging becomes easier, but not in the flesh, but by walking in the Spirit.
Gosh after all, what is in our heart, comes our of our mouth.
(Matthew 15:18)

Phil. 4:8 has become our family verse
"whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."

Again, YOU have been a living picture of this teaching Dad...we have watched nothing other than the name of JESUS...Praise you JESUS automatically come from your heart out of your lips, during these tests and physical trials.

I just heard a teaching about Manna...GOD instructed the Israelites to DAILY Get the Manna.If they tried to store up TODAYS Manna for tomorrow, it became rotten.
I have taken that teaching very NOW...I can't live on what I learned 20 years ago I bible college. I must daily "Meditate on the Word Day and Night"

THANK YOU for being a vessel used to bring FRESH Manna every day.

Dee Dee

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your words on the gift of Faith, Dad. Praising God for your healing....


Christography said...

Dear Mr Silanskas,
Thanks so very much for your blog post on faith. What a awesome writer you are! I so look forward to reading what God inspires you to write about next! I also viewed some of you families posts from when you were first in Christian television and had your sons and daughter at your side as your amazing crew! It was so neat to see that! You have an amazing family! God has truly blessed you!
In His Love,
Carol Walker :-)
( A fellow Marylander!)