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Saturday, June 2, 2012


It is very important to give thanks, consistently, to our Lord. All things that God gives us is worthy of Praise, Honor, Glory.  Giving thanks to HIM in our lives is a powerful recognition of Who He is. a powerful testimony that tells the world of how much He loves each of us every moment of our lives.

"Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim His greatness. Let the whole world know what He has done.
Sing to Him; yes, sing His praises. Tell everyone about His wonderful deeds.
Exult in His Holy Name; rejoice, you who worship the Lord. Search for the Lord and His strength; continually seek Him.
Remember the wonders He has performed, His Miracles, and the rulings He has given."  Psalm 105:1-5


Dee said...

Daddy, GOSH....I would take up pages of your blog if I began to list ALL I am thankful for! But I would be remiss if I didn't list a FEW of the things I am thankful for concerning YOU!!!!! I AM THANKFUL That:
* You hungered for a personal relationship with Jesus when I was 13, and because of that Hungering, we ALL have come to a very PERSONAL Relationship with JESUS! * GOD So lovingly is HEALING YOU step by step and you will again be in full time ministry very soon!!!!
* I am thankful that 57 years ago YOU Fell in Love with the most wonderful woman God ever created! You are sooooo right...MOM IS The MOST Beautiful, Amazing Proverbs 31 WOMAN I have ever Known! Way to go Dad!
* I am Thankful that God loving created a wonderful Lithuanian man named JOHN, so you would not loose me, but truly gain a Son.
* I am thankful that my body was healed and I was blessed with two Miracle children.
Love, Dee

Anonymous said...

Hi Dad....it is always comforting to read your words of inspiration!!!We love you!!!oooxxx Michelle

Anonymous said...

It is so easy to get caught in the negative of the world today and forget all that God does for us each day. Thank you for reminding us of his miracles.

Joe L

Kel said...

I remember once, about a year or two after I met your daughter and your family, I was driving the car with Austin in his car seat in the back, feeling thankful for each and every thing I had. I even thanked God out loud (which I usually do quietly) for the spoons in the silverware drawer!

Anonymous said...

I'm blessed in my coming and my going! God is a blesser! Deuteronomy 28:1 and it shall come to pass.
What shall come to pass...blessing, anointing! Peace, healing, restoration ...
If we confess the word of God....as for me and my house we will live in the blessing.
Our lips must shout ...it shall come to pass!
Rise up and take authority in your life.

Deuteronomy 28:1 -
It Shall come to pass if we obey diligently ...
It's time we give birth to the new life Jesus has for us.

He has our victory.

Anonymous said...

Thanking God for helping my husband get a job
often we forget to thank God...you have reminded us

James said...

Richard you are a blessing to so many.
I thank God for you and your inspirational blog.

Anonymous said...

Dear Richard:
You are a Rock,and Strong Believer, I only know one, other person,whose faith is as strong as yours,..Your Lovely Daughter Dianne
Your Faith Is As Strong As Davids'..I know That,Your Whole Family ALL!Are, Also Strong Believers..I have The Greatest,Respect,and Admiration, For,ALL OF YOU! I Pray For Special BLESSINGS, And HEALING TO YOU!!!"MAY GOD BLESS US ALL!!!!"
Your Friend Forever!
Johnny Thunder