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Tuesday, June 12, 2012


blog for 06/12/12


We are taught by Jesus that in order to please God we must KNOW HIM.  We were  we were given specific, detailed teachings that brings us to KNOW GOD.

The Old Testament tells us of God’s creation and His design for ALL of His creation, from the visible Universe to mankind.

The New Testament tells us of His LOVE for His creation and teaches through Jesus Words and example, and the Disciples that He anointed to deliver the GOOD NEWS of salvation.

God does not leave us in the dark to simply wonder about His Person, He has given us specific instructions as to how He wants us to enjoy Him and His creation.

Many times, in the past, I have purchased items that require assembly, and more often than not, my attempts at putting those things together failed. Only when all my efforts fell short , I was“forced” to READ THE INSTRUCTIONS given with the product by the creator of that product. And much to my delight, when instructions were followed the construction happened with great success.

One would assume that reading the instructions would be a natural way to make future projects successful. Wrong!! After many failures I still insisted on doing it my way rather than reading the instructions.

If we do not KNOW GOD, it is our fault.  He has provided infinite numbers of evidences of Who He Is, How He wants us to have an intimate relationship with Him, and to EXPERIENCE HIS PRESENCE  in our lives.  Ignore the INSTRUCTIONS and suffer failure to KNOW HIM.  Read and FOLLOW His INSTRUCTIONS AND ENJOY peace and joy that He offers us.

In future blogs we will look at the instructions with intention of following them.


Anonymous said...

Mr salanskis

This is a really great message.
Keep blessing us.

Anonymous said...

Once again, you have shared a wonderful message with us. Thank you for blessing us with the gift of your blog.
I look forward to reading it each time you post.
May God bless you and your family,

Dee said...

I like the teaching ....its both instructional and inspirational!
This message today reminds me of when I gave birth to Sarah...someone said" sadly there is no instruction manual for new moms".
Wow were they wrong ...there is Not one single situation in my life that I could not find Godly wisdom and answers for in the Bible!
Thank you for beginning with the basics!

For the Lord gives skillful and godly Wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6
