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Thursday, June 21, 2012


Taking a few moments to consider that which we have been studying, how Awesome is our God, The main thing I have been reminded of is, ALL That we can see and imagine is the handiwork of GOD.

 In our daily walk on this earth, we need only look at everything we can see, hear, detect with our senses, is the creation of incredible complexity of the tiniest to the largest of what we see and sense is created by GOD.  I constantly wonder how some folks are blind to HIS presence in EVERYTHING.  The evolving things that we can detect is created by GOD.   The complexity of HIS CREATION  is mind boggling and can only lead us KNOW HOW AWESOME AND POWERFUL IS OUR GOD.

Praise God that modern science is coming to the TRUTH.  There is no problem with wondering and questioning creation because the end result of genuinely seeking TRUTH finding GOD.  More and more scientists are declaring that all of CREATION started with a power that ALWAYS WAS.


Anonymous said...

I am going to walk with open eyes today. I want to thank you for helping me SEE God in a living way.

Dee said...

Daddy I love that you have shared this message. So often we are sooo busy, we don't see all that GOD has created. The other morning as I was out with HIM, watching HIM Paint the masterful SUNRISE, in tears I was repenting for all the beautiful sights and sounds around me that I have not always taken the time to notice. HE IS ALIVE! I was literally singing PRAISES with a choir of singing birds! AHHHH, I Sing because I'm Happy, I SING Because I'm Free...His Eye is on the sparrow and I KNOW He's watching me.
HE Has HIS Caring Eyes on us at all times.

Love you so much,