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Saturday, July 28, 2012



A question is asked about the previous blog. “How can I take the message to ALL Nations”.

Good question. We all can help to tell the good news to every person on earth by supporting those who are called to the mission field by prayer and just as important, supporting Them financially to the best of our means. While we at the same time can be touching all who come into our lives by sharing with them the GOOD NEWS of the gospel.  However, this MUST be done with Love, and gentleness lest we turn them off.
The Good News is just that, it is literally Life Saving.  Remember the HOLY SPIRIT is a Gentile man    Get it? Gentleman.

Love you ALL, Richard


Dianne said...

As always daddy...simply and beautifully explained.
love you more!

Anonymous said...

Richard I thought you would enjoy this poem:

The World's Bible
J. E. Hamilton

Christ has no hands but our hands
to do His work today.
He has no feet but our feet
tolead men in His way;

He has no tongue but our tongues
To tell men how He died,
He has no help but our help
To bring them to His side.

We are the only Bible
The careless world will read,
We are the sinner's gospel,
We are the scoffers' creed;

We are the Lord's last message
Given in deed and word,
What if the type is crooked?
What if the print is blurred?

What if our hands are busy
With other things than His?
What if our feet are walking
Where sin's allurement is?

What if our tongues are speaking
Of things His life would spurn,
How can we hope to help Him
And welcome His return

Anonymous said...

Mr. Salanskis
thank you for sharing this.
There is so much need around us.
We must know God needs His disciples to reach out ...living in grovelamd I see so many in need
we need more disciples.
bless you