Jesus, our Lord and our God suffered on the cross of Calvary for our sins, our offenses, our negligences, our failure to love one another as He loves us. We need to remember that His sacrifice is not only for our spiritual healing but for our every physical need as well. When on earth, He never refused physical healing to anyone.
We need to approach Him with confidence and ask, ask, ask, always with thanksgiving in our hearts. All followers of Christ have faith, we must learn to exercise that faith. Thin k of the wicked judge who gave in to the widow woman because of her persistence. God LOVES YOU. WITH GREAT REVERENCE APPROACH HIM ALSO AS YOUR TRUE FRIEND.
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Dearest Richard,
Just a short note of encouragement for you today for a real gentle-man whom I know and love.
You are an example of true Christianity and love. Through it all you have been a real trooper, digging in and never wanting to lie down and give up to a lying and cruel adversary whom we fight the spiritual battle daily and then some too.
Mrs. Claus and I pray unceasingly for you and your family, especially your lovely and beautiful bride who has weathered the storms right there by your side without wavering!
Praise you Jesus for this man and his wife and family who surround him with their love and prayers. Grant both he and them the outpouring of your blessings as they've never received before. Shalom and Blessings upon their houses, relationships and business dealings as well.
Santa leaves you with the blessing of the Lord God upon them today and always until His return. Amen and Amen. On Dancer, on Prancer, on Donner and Blitzen........Hooray!
Hello from Troyes, France! Praise and Glory to our Lord Jesus who is the Light of the world! My prayers join all that lift you and Aunt Carmelita. God's loving embrace lift you all and Bless and heal you all!
Peace in Christ!
It's Sunday morning Richard, I just wanted you to know that you and your family were the first in my morning prayers this morning.
God bless you all.
Continued prayers for complete healing!
As I read your blogs I pray for you...
All I keep hearing in my heart and head is you
Leading Praise and Worship on main street in Del.
He went walking and leaping and Praising God!
I can see you soon doing just as the healed lame man did soon will be not only walking but leaping! And dancing!!!
Yes..we will continue to ask! With joyful anticipation of your Complete healing!
Glory glory to God!
I love you bigger!
Dee Dee
Thank you brother .. these are powerful words to start my week.
Bless you for sharing the truth in faith, even when it is not completely revealed at this time. WE are all being healed and we reach out for the hem of Christs garment in anticipation of full healing for our complete person. Thank you for clearing the way and drawing us to our Lord. HE IS THE GIVER OF LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY. May the Lord bless you for your faithfulness, encouragement and example. WE have a compassionate and loving God who will take care of us, through it all. Many blessings to you and your wife and your family. I am so blessed by your thoughts and words and your life's example.
I continue to lift you in prayer. Your words today are especially meaningful. My prayer group has been praying for a lady with brain cancer and her last appointment all of it was gone, and her chemo should be ending. Many blessings sent for you and Carmelita.
You are truly an inspiration to all of us!
May God richly bless you and your family.
I'm so glad your daughter lead me to your ministry blog.
Mr. Silanskas, I want to thank your prayer group, and let them kow that my son Logan is doing remarkably well! He had his three month post surgery appointment last week, and the doctors reported to us that his MRI and EEG look wonderful! Most importantly, he remains seizure free. Thank you for your prayers. Jozef and I have come to believe that prayers for our son have made all the difference through his Leukemia and Epilepsy.
This blog is a powerful way to minister. God bless you for finding new ways to bless others.
I am your daughters friend in Tenn. She shares her testimony and how you were searching for a closer relationship with Jesus. She so beautifully shares about how you were used to lead all the family to a closer relationship with Christ.
I want you to know, I am closer in my walk because of You!
Dianne asked us to pray for your continued healing and we want you to know we are standing in agreement with you
...yes..."by His stripes You were healed! "
God bless you!
I would like to add Bill McEwen to your prayer requests. Bill was recently diagnosed with colon cancer. I pray that the Lord heals ALL with cancer!
MY neighbors have received their gift from God. In July she came over to let me know that she was 7 months pregnant. They found out on their 21st wedding anniversary when they got to hear the baby's heart beat. Ethan is now 2 weeks old! The proud father say's he still hadn't gotten over the fact that they were having a baby. Joyce had been told she would never be able to have a child. Please lift Joyce in your prayers as she is suffering from exhaustion and extreme swelling in her legs do to reactions from medicine. Ethan has had a hard go at learning to eat and had to be fed with an eye dropper for awhile. He has since gained back most of the pound and a half he lot. God is surely good!
We have missed your teachings.
We pray you are well.
May God bless you.
"Faith is the substance of things hoped for My son, the evidence of things not seen. You do not yet see, nor will you see fully while you are on this earth, but faith cooperating with Spiritual Power actually calls into being that for which you hope. Men speak of dreams come true. But you know them as answered prayers; manifestations of Spirit Force in the Unseen. So trust boundlessly.
Yes! Remember always - that out of darkness I am leading you to My light, My son. Out of unrest to rest, out of disorder to order. Out of faults and failure to perfection. Upon this very day My perfect plan is being fulfilled through all I set forth within. In the days that follow speaks not of when, but see it all as of this moment. Your eyes will soon behold more then are able to absorb. So trust Me wholly. Fear nothing. Hope ever. Look ever up to Me and I will be your sure aid. I and My Father are one. So He who made the ordered, beautiful world out of chaos, and set the stars on their courses, and made each planet to know it’s season, can He not bring out of your little chaos peace and order. And He and I are one, and you are Mine. Your affairs are Mine. It is My Divine task to order My affairs - therefore yours will be ordered by Me!"
Love you Granddad!
Love, Jessica
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