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Monday, January 7, 2013




Anonymous said...

God answers all prayer—in His perfect timing.

In both Abraham’s and Job’s case,God honored their obedience. This doesn’t mean we can’t cry out to God,even when we have no words to express our pain and outrage (Romans 8:26). He can take it. God will never forsake you.

We have a choice. We can go through life with God or without Him. I don’t know about you,but I’d hate to try to live in this fallen world without Him,regardless of what He asks me to endure. I need His comfort. When I can’t trust what the world hands me,I can trust Him.

Jan said...

Mr. Silanskis,
SO good to see you back. Our prayer group loves your blog.
We constantly pray for your complete healing.
Blessed New Year to you and your family,

Anonymous said...

3 John 1:2

Dear friend,I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you,even as your soul is getting along well.


Dianne said...

Thank you daddy for this word!
I love you !
Dee Dee

Anonymous said...

Very glad to have you back and writing your blog again. I always enjoy reading it!

Anonymous said...

The Greater One that is in you is winning! Praise God!!! I'm so happy to see you back!!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Richard. I'm happy to see you back and writing again. Praise God!


Anonymous said...

Hi Dad... I'm so glad you are feeling better. You are such an inspiration to all of us!!!


Anonymous said...

Hello- Many blessings to you. I have thought about your witness many times as I remember to pray for you and as I face challenges in my life. thank you for being a witness who holds on to Christ. May God richly bless you! Many blessings to you- thanks for taking time to share with us.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back Richard. Kim Shelly

Kel said...

So glad to see you on here! It's great to read your positive words.

Dianne said...

Daddy as I was praying during the night the Holy Spirit spoke so clearly to my heart as a result of something that happened on Friday.

The DASH -

What will the dash in my life stand for? 1960 - 20??
Over the weekend I read the obituary of an acquaintance. My heart was so heavily burdened as all it said was his name - age, city, Date he passed away and name of funeral home.
Below his name was the name of another who passed away the same week, followed by three paragraphs of family, and accolades. This person is no one famous, no one who most of the world will ever know, and yet his life touched so many.
I sat in with tears flowing down my cheeks, Life is precious! We are given time on this earth to Make A Difference. What will the dash in my life represent? Humbly today I pray the motto I try to live by, "Please Dear Lord, Help me to realize that No day should Ever be about me, rather How Can I be a Blessing to One Person each and every day?
"Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?" Clarence Oddbody - It's A Wonderful Life