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Sunday, June 17, 2012


May we all on this day give honor and glory to our FATHER in heaven as we honor our earthly Dad's.  We do this in true gratitude for our families and opportunity to lead them to our GOD, our heavenly FATHER who empowers us to live holy lives.   Thank you FATHER.


Dee said...

Happy father's day daddy!
You are the bestest daddy ever!
I love you bigger!
Dee Dee

Dee said...

Thanks for being such a Great Daddy.
Dad, you have taught me to be able to see GOD as a true DADDY! Because of you I can see me sitting on Gods lap and sharing all my deepest secrets. I can see GOD as my HEAVENLY Father!
I know that bazillions of children will never know the love of an earthly Dad and that breaks my heart, I AM SOOOOOO THANKFUL that GOD chose YOU as My Daddy!

"But to all who have received him--those who believe in his name--he has given the right to become God's children … (John 1:12).

Love you more and more,
Dee Dee