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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A great gift

Have you ever thought about the most valuable gift that you have from God? As we study the Word of God we constantly are urged to seek and do the Will of God. God's will vs. our will.

When God created us He endowed us with a free will. We are free to accept Him or reject Him. The greatest gift, of course is saving Grace that flows directly from our creator. The 2nd gift is Free Will. We can hear His will for us and obey, which leads to eternal life with Him, or we can choose to follow our own will and hope that He will accept our will.

When we seek to Know Him we are given choices to do that which we sometimes oppose due to natural inclinations that bring us a moment or two of earthly pleasure. When we are following Jesus and His Word our conscience is activated to remind us of His will. This is the point at which we decide to follow or reject God's will. To accept is to REPENT and quit the wrong activity. To attempt to justify the action is to reject His will. May we pray to yield to His Grace when tempted and begin to experience true peace. Consistently accepting His Grace produces wonderful Peace that will lead to a life of Holiness and righteousness.

"This is too much fun to be sinful". Ever experience a thought like that? I suspect that we all have at one time or another. This is a Red Flag that should move us see the truth by continuing to see Him through His Word. We could outline the multiple hundreds of sins that lead us away from God, but it is far better that we each do that on our own. We must not judge others but only ourselves. We must not justify actions because "everybody is doing it".

Brothers and Sisters this life is so short that it is not even a blink of an eye compared to all eternity. It's not smart to trade an eternity of inexplicable joy for a moment of earthly pleasure. The first disciples knew Jesus and truly believed Him and give up their lives to follow Him to Heaven. Let us choose now to follow Him.


Anonymous said...

"God is in charge of Impossible things"!!!!!!!!!! ...................Trusting only "HIM",brings about the "Miracles", we are waiting for!..In Praising "HIM", for all which he has done and continues to do...for all of us...and leaning on "HIM"...only..I've chosen to follow "HIM"...Thankyou Brother Richard.....

Anonymous said...

Hi Daddy,

Thank you for leading me in this SAME teaching since I was 13.
Praise GOD for your heart seeking a personal relationship with Jesus...YOU Are the vessel God used to not only to help lead me to a HAND in HAND relationship with JESUS...but thousands of others...and I have tears flowing, for you are STILL Ministering to so many.
Thanks for NOT hiding your light under a bushel.
Thanks for teaching us true repentance.
I Love you,

Anonymous said...

I'm studying the Word more, Thank you so much

Jessica said...

Love this Granddad! This has been a topic of discussion in our house this week! Thank you!!!!

Anonymous said...

My Great Grandmother turned 107 years old on the day of this post and ironically her message for everyone this day was "Heaven is REAL and so is HELL if I never give you anything else I gave you Jesus and he's all you will ever need" it was blunt but very true!!!
We look forward to reading your posts you have helped my study group more than you can imagine!!!
Be Blessed,

Sarah said...

This was an inspirational message.
In school we talked about trusting God more with our lives.
I love you, Granddad.