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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Intimacy with God

May we take this time to review the lessons that we have studied so far.

"Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father , and I too will love him and show myself to him". John 14:21.

Wow, the formula for intimacy with our Creator is in the above passage. The absolute joy of knowing God is available to all who will listen to His Word and follow the Word, Jesus. To follow Him is to accept His teachings, not intellectually, but in our inner being, and doing all that He has taught us.

As a child we received many rules from our parents and in many cases we refused to obey them. Those "rules" were teachings that were intended to keep us from harming ourselves. Yet because we wanted to do our "thing" we often ignored the love of our parents. I know of many people of my generation (including myself) who have paid a price for that disobedience. To love our parents is to obey them.

To obey our Father's will for us as taught by Jesus is to love Him. It is the ONLY way to LOVE Him. " If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching, My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. (John 14:23)

We MUST read, meditate and internalize Jesus' words. It is important to do so if we want to know our Father. When we KNOW HIM we do His will and a peace that surpasses all understanding fills us to overflowing. Then and only then are we able to bear much fruit for the Kingdom. "If a man remains in Me and I in Him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing". (John 15:5)

Meditate on His teachings and receive that great joy and you will lead many to a wonderfully rewarding intimacy with GOD.


Anonymous said...


First off, Please forgive me for all the times I "Did my own thing"
Thank you for loving me through all the growing pains (Then and now) :)

Thank you for todays message...I want the WORD so rooted in my life that it will become second nature to JUST OBEY GOD'S WORD!

I love my Daddy,

Nancy Bartram said...

Mr. Silanskas,

Thanks for your beautiful sharing. It prompts me to ponder and be grateful for all that I have been given.

As a grown adult, I know that I've made mistakes in raising our son, I also realize, that my own parents weren't perfect. What is wonderful about having faith in our Father God is KNOWING that because He is who He says He is, there are no mistakes!

My prayer is to TRUST more fully in His goodness because He has always been and always will be faithful. His Word is for my protection, joy, and life in Him.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Richard,
Sorry that this is the first time that we have commented to your blog.We struggle with just e-mailing!! We want to take the time to say thank you for being what we consider our accountability partener. You are an inspiration and a true blessing to all who have the opportunity to hear from you. We love you and thank you for loving the way that Christ loves and challenging all of us to do the same.

<3 Love, Vince & Roxanne :)

Anonymous said...

I begin each day with the Word and your teachings.
Thank you for taking your time to pray over what you are to share with all of us.
Your Blog is medicine to my soul.