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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mardi Gras

Some time ago, even before my re-birtht in Christ , which was during Lent 1974, I was very curious about Mardi Gras. This was considered a time of revelry and self indulgence to a great degree, a time to sin to the max before Lent.    Lent is and was originally intended to be a period of time to reflect on the life of Jesus and His Great sacrifice for our sins.   A time to repent, not to indulge in sin. A time of thanksgiving for the gift of eternal life with God. A looking forward to the Resurrection  of Jesus that will guarantee our own Resurrection.

What was intended to be a seeking for Holiness and Righteousness has been made a time of worship of satan  by many. If this celebration time appears to be a harmless 'letting loose' for fun and release from the pressures of daily life, then we need to turn to God for a relationship with Him. A relationship that is intimate.  God's Grace is bestowed on the whole world though the suffering, death and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus the Christ.  One cannot have a relationship with God our Father and at the same time be ignorant of the sin that surrounds us.

It is with great sadness that I see the great rejection of Jesus in the world today. It is a time to cry for those who claim to be Christian while living for the devil.

Let those of us who truly love God be in constant prayer for those who who do not accept 'The Light of Christ' Let us love them as God loves them. Let us weep with God our Father for those who live for themselves and are blind to the Truth, Jesus.  Mardi Gras is not limited to New Orleans it is an International event.   It is also a money making machine for a local theme park.

Acknowledging Mardi Gras as a legitimate, acceptable activity for Christians is a preachment of a 'false gospel' and a denial of Jesus and His teachings. There is so much moral fun things to do. Let us show our circle of neighbors, friends, and family how to enjoy this wonderful life in Christ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad someone has spoken on this subject.
Mardi Gras seems to be a constant state of mind for many in this generation.
I join you in praying for those searching for happiness.