When I was born this nation was in the midst of the 'great depression' . When I turned 7 yrs of age World War II began. I still remember the Roosevelt proclamation of the declaration of War with Japan. That war resulted in 2 million American casualties in the Pacific and Europe. Among those casualties was my Uncle Albert who I loved like a brother. He was 21 and I was 10. This gave me a personal knowledge of the horrors of war. Not long after, I lived through the Korean War, then Vietnam and the great fear of daily life in fear of nuclear war with Russia. Through the guidance and intercession of Pope John Paul the 2nd and President Reagan, Russian Communism was eliminated and a short time of peace followed. A relatively short period produced a temporary joy that came from relief from concern of nuclear war.
Do I need to elaborate? Looking through the bible it is difficult to find a period time that peace prevailed. War has plagued this earth since Adam was ejected from the Garden of Eden. Sin, which stems from mankind rejecting God is the root cause of all wars. The seeking of pleasure is a world wide affliction. Nations seeking power over other nations, Greed for land, greed for dominance over all mankind, which is man attempting to be equal with God.
Here we are NOW in the midst of Evil men who are willing to sacrifice everything to destroy other nations in order to "please" their false gods in the quest of power over mankind.
Jesus died for those despots as well as for the whole world. He is in the world calling all mankind to follow Him to our Father God.
Only God Himself will bring true peace to this world. Fear not dear friends, His peace is available to all who will follow Him. As for those who reject His Grace His justice will prevail. In a very short time He will return to us and He will make peace and destroy evil in whatever form it exists.
As we pray for peace let us do righteousness in an effort to lead as many as we can to Jesus. Always remembering His promises to establish God's righteousness here. We do not know the day nor the hour that the King of Kings will appear but, without a doubt He will Appear. Rejoice in the fact of His promise to bring His Peace to earth. Maranatha which translates to Come Quickly Lord Jesus. Fear not. He is here now in Spirit and will give us the strength to make it through any and all trials that may before us. Seek His comfort by reading His Word and putting into practice His teachings.
Jesus has brought me and many of you through a lifetime of living in fear of war. He will not leave us now.
I love you my brethren and Jesus loves us all with a love that only God can give. MARANATHA!!!
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MR.Silanskas, i WISH YOU God's Blessings to day and always. I know everyone looks to you as an inspriation and reinforcement to their belief in Christ jesus as their Savior. I hope you has a happy Birthday.
Ray Goodgame
What I have leanred over the past two years since your physical trial is that we have two choices..LOOK to JESUS and Allow HIM to protect us and keep us from drowning or LOOK to the Storm and SINK. Yes, at times it is so stromy it is almost diffiuclt to see JESUS...BUT I am learning to LOOK to HIM rather than to the LEFT or Right...JESUS Said "Don't be Afraid"
Matthew 14:22
Several hours later in the night, the disciples encounter a storm. Jesus comes to them, walking on the water. This terrifies the disciples who think they are seeing a ghost. Jesus tells them in verse 27, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."
Peter replies, "Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water." So Jesus invites Peter to come. Peter gets out of the boat and begins walking on the water toward Jesus. But when Peter takes his eyes off Jesus and sees the wind and waves, he begins to sink. Peter cries out to the Lord and Jesus immediately reaches out his hand and catches Peter. As they climb into the boat together, the storm ceases. Then the disciples worship Jesus, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."
Love you Dad,
You touched a personal part of my heart.
Thank you for helping me find comfort through the Word.
And happy birthday!
Your teaching today hits close to home. Thank you for the encouragement.
God Bless you,
A Belated Happy Birthday Richard. I should have remembered after all the years we spent together in the choir. I enjoyed those years,you and the music. You have shown so much courage and faith in God with what you are going through. With out that faith I know you would not have come this far. You and the family are always in my prayers.
God Bless and Love You,
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