As a mature adult I have experienced much in this life. I have watched the gradual decay of morality in America. This decay has been festering for the entire 78 years of my life. We are, today, living in a morass of moral filth that has come upon us so slowly and methodically that it is now almost universally accepted as healthy normative life.
When I look back at acceptable sexual practices from my childhood to today I am shocked by my own lack of awareness through the years of the corruption of human minds from God to Sin. It has been the result of a lack of parental teaching and living for God. As a parochial school student for 12 years of my formative education years, I was brought by my teachers and pastors and parents and Christian friends to be aware of my responsibility to do ALL things as to please our Lord. Not to say that I was totally pure, I too have sinned. I was totally aware of my sinfulness and had guilt leading to repentance and seeking a closer walk with God. Why?; because I was given by God, through my parents, teachers Church that life without God as a focus, we are on the road to eternal loss.
It is true that we are saved solely by the Grace of Almighty God, it is also true that God expects us live according to the principles that He set forth for us live by.
It is with DEEP SADNESS that I see that the media, which is for the most part anti-Christ, sets the standards for modern day morality. In nearly every case of gross immorality T.V., Movies, internet sites have and are creating an environment that promotes a freedom of thought and action that is totally SELFISH. As a result the new attitude "winks" at sin as o.k. because it is personal and we should not judge. Well, God is judging and as a matter of fact has already judged and declares that sin is UNACCEPTABLE in His sight. He clearly defines righteousness and expects us to seek the same.
Our children's present and future lives need and must learn to depend on godly authority. The daily news, where I reside, has a frightening flood of murders, shootings, rapes, robberies, hate crimes, and disregard for civil authority. When I was a young person, I was taught and practiced great respect for the law. A policeman was feared when we did something wrong, but at all other times we regarded them with great respect, as our friends and protectors. Not necessarily so today.
Solution? God!!! He has entrusted those of us whom He has chosen to be His disciples, to teach, preach, and LIVE the GOSPEL.
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How often i feel that God is on the verge to destory us as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.I pray that I can lead my family in Godly Virtues.
AMEN!!!!!! and AMEN!!!!
Thank you for having the courage to say what many others are thinking. Your blog today is a powerful message that needs to be heard. The sad part is many realize this but yet they support immoral Hollywood. They even get their news and information about what is going on in the world from Hollywood. We're more connected but less educated. God is even a taboo subject in Hollywood unless he is attacked. We have lost our morals, our hope, and possibly our future because of what comes out of Washington, and Hollywood. It is easier to make immoral project in Hollywood than it is to make quality, family, and entertaining projects. Let us also remember our morals start at home and unless we save the family in our country the rest of our world will never stand a chance.
Thank you for bringing light to a subject that needs to be out in the open on a daily basis.
Joe L.
You are so right on with this! My husband and I made a decision when we moved into our house to not have cable for this very reason. We feel as we are assaulted visually not just with the shows (which we can control seeing or not), but also with the commercials. If we, as parents, don't at least make an attempt to teach our children what is right and wrong, we will be no better than the world, and in essence we are allowing the world to teach them. Thank you for speaking up about this!!
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