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Sunday, May 6, 2012


Florida has abundant fruit trees, primarily citrus.  That fruit produces 90% of all the orange juice consumed in the U.S.A.. The trees that bear the fruit require loving and consistent tending and care.
Freezing nights, hurricanes, pestilence are impediments to healthy fruit.  Helping the trees to become healthy is the job of the grove keepers. It takes Work, without time off or vacations. The Gospel of John Jesus teaches us how we may bear much fruit for the Kingdom.

"Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches.  Those who REMAIN in ME, and I in them, will produce much fruit.  For apart from me you can do nothing. Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned.  But if you remain in Me and My Words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, it will be granted! When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great Joy to my Father."  John 15:5-8

"Fruit" is not limited to soul winning.  In  this chapter, answered prayer, joy and love are mention as fruit (15:7,11,12. Galatians 5:22-24 and 2 Peter 1:5-8 describe additional fruit; qualities of Christian character.

Remaining in Christ means (1) believing that He is God's Son (1Jn4:15)
(2) receiving Him as Savior and Lord (Jn.1:12,)
(3) doing what God says (1 John 3:24) and
(4) continuing to believe the Good News (1John 2:24)
and (5) relating in love to  the the community of believers, Christ's body (John15:12).

Many people try to be good, honest people who do what is right.  But Jesus says that the ONLY way to live a truly good life is to stay close to Him, like a branch attached to the vine.  Apart from Christ our efforts are unfruitful.  Are you receiving the nourishment and life offered by Christ?   If not, you are missing a special gift He has for YOU.

When a vine produces "much fruit", God is GLORIFIED, daily He sent the sunshine and rain to make the crops grow, and constantly He nurtured each tiny plant and prepared it to blossom.  What a moment of glory for the Lord of the harvest when the harvest is brought into the barns, mature and ready for use! He made it all happen!  This farming analogy shows how God is Glorified when people come into a right relationship with Him and begin to :"produce much fruit" in their lives.

Want joy? Want Peace? Looking for Happiness?  All we need to do is the grow closer to the vine, JESUS and FOLLOW HIM.


Dee said...


We use your blog as a part of our morning bible study.
Today is so powerful....We sooo often ask ourselves, if people see us who do NOT know us (or even those who know us) what would they think? WIll they see, Kindness, gentleness, peacemakers etc.
Today Greg compared us to his NOT VERY Healthy Orange tree in the back yard. This tree only produces tiny, green and NEVER Ripe oranges.
This tree is surrounded by weeds and never gets nutrients and minerals needed to grow healthy.
This is exactly what we look like when we fail to DAILY be filled with the minerals and nutrients of the WORD and a FRESH Filling of the Holy Spirit.

All my Respect,

Anonymous said...

As always, not only inspirational but a life changing word.
bless you