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Friday, May 4, 2012


How interesting it is that so few understand the keys to a happy marriage.  I believe and know by experience that the ONLY way to stay in God's will concerning our commitment to our spouse is to work at being faithful to each other in EVERY REGARD.

When My wife and I were married we vowed, before God, to love one another.  Specifically, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health and forsaking all others, remaining faithful to each other.  These are VOWS.  If vows are not really made in earnest, then our married life begins with a lie and whatever years we remain together are Mostly UPHILL with much difficulty.

Jesus taught us that to lust after another is adultery.  In this modern digital age pornography is one of the most pervasive evils that challenge marriages.  How many times have we heard, "no harm in looking just don't touch" Be assured that looking leads to touching.  Pornography makes that which God has made sacred, pure evil.  Married sexual activity is blessed by God.  Sexual activity outside of marriage between spouses, is not only forbidden but is the single most cause of divorce in this nation. Another precursor to infidelity is FLIRTING.  "Oh, flirting is fun and innocent".  Really???  Flirtation is an overt action that sends a signal that we are AVAILABLE.  Flirting sends a signal to our spouse that we are not happy in our relationship.  This is a source of deep hurt to the spouse and develops a feeling of inadequacy.

If any of this this appears to be a problem in a marriage, it may not be too late to begin again.  Look at marriage with the eyes of God.  Accept the responsibility we undertake when we commit to each other, and do it over.  This time make vows that you intend to keep regardless of the temptations that may befall you.

God our creator and Savior through His Son has created marriage to be ENJOYED in bed for the primary purpose of bringing to life new souls to worship, love, and seek to be with HIM.  The pleasure that accompanies procreation is intended to be ENJOYED BETWEEN SPOUSES ONLY.



Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr s
I look forward to advice for these crazy early
child raising days.everything changes.

Dee said...

Hi Daddy,

You and Mom are such a beautiful example of WHAT GOD had in mind when HE Planned marriage.

Keep sharing...you are blessing sooo many!

All my love,
Dee Dee