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Sunday, May 27, 2012


Today we celebrate the birth of the Church (the body of Christ--You, me, all believers in Christ). This is one of the most joyous and certainly, important celebrations of the Church.
On the day of Pentecost as the 120 were praying in the upper room as commanded by Jesus, "Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting.  Then,what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them.  And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability."Acts 2:2-4.

From that day forward the disciples were transformed into powerful witnesses of the Gospel and the Gospel is now preached and practiced throughout the World.  No Pentecost, no Church.  No Holy Spirit living within us, no power or conviction.  You and I, together with all believers are the Church and are empowered by God to bring the Good News to the World.

PLEASE read the 2nd Chapter of Acts to understand the Holy and Glorious gift of Pentecost and the awesome responsibility we all have to be HIS Witnesses to the World.

May we truly and joyfully celebrate this Day that the Lord has made.


Anonymous said...

This is truly a wonderful day to celebrate! Thank you for continuing to bless all of us with your blog. The way you live your life is an inspiration to us all!
May God continue to bless you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Mr. S,

I was just teaching my family about Pentecost. This is a time of renewal for Christian believers. There is a renewed focus on evangelism, empowerment from the Holy Spirit, deeper intimacy with God, and fellowship. For Christians, the celebration of Pentecost imparts faith, hope, a sharing of community, and an awareness of a purpose much greater than themselves.

bless you man.

Anonymous said...

We light a candle
and enjoy the flickering light
the fragrance
and warmth it creates.
But without the spark that ignites
there will be no flame
Without the wax
the source of power
the wick will not burn
Without the flame
there will be no fragrance
no warmth, no light.
And so with us, Lord
You are the catalyst that ignites us
and the fuel that sustains us
You fill us with your fragrance
as you enter our lives.
You empower us
to carry your flame in our hearts
To be the fragrance, warmth
and light of your love
in this dark world.

blesings and prayers to you mr salanskis from your prayer friends in groveland.